Speeding Tickets Impact Your Auto Insurance Costs
What to Do about It


Getting a speeding ticket can be a stressful and costly experience. Not only do you have to pay the fine associated with the ticket, but it can also have long-term consequences, particularly when it comes to your auto insurance rates. In this article, we'll delve into the various ways a speeding ticket can influence your auto insurance costs and how you can mitigate those costs by attending a traffic school.

  1. 1. Understanding the Impact of a Speeding Ticket on Insurance Costs

    When you receive a speeding ticket, your first concern might be the immediate fine, but the repercussions extend far beyond that. One of the most significant consequences is the effect on your auto insurance rates. Insurance providers view traffic violations like speeding tickets as indicators of increased risk, which typically results in higher premiums. Here's how it works:

    • Premium Increases: Insurance companies consider speeding tickets as red flags for risky behavior, and they may raise your premiums accordingly. The degree of the increase depends on various factors, including the severity of the violation, your driving history, and your insurance provider.
    • Points on Your Record: Speeding tickets typically come with a certain number of points on your driving record. These points can vary depending on the severity of the offense. Accumulating points on your record can further raise your insurance costs.
  2. 2. Attending Traffic School to Reduce Insurance Costs

    While the consequences of a speeding ticket may seem daunting, there is a way to mitigate the damage. Attending a traffic school, also known as defensive driving school or a driver improvement program, can offer several advantages:

    • Ticket Dismissal or Point Reduction: In many jurisdictions, attending traffic school can lead to the dismissal of the speeding ticket or a reduction in the number of points on your driving record. This can prevent your insurance premiums from increasing.
    • Insurance Discounts: Some insurance providers offer discounts to policyholders who voluntarily attend traffic school. By completing a defensive driving course, you demonstrate your commitment to safe driving, making you a more appealing and less risky customer to insurance companies.
  3. 3. Finding the Right Traffic School

    Before signing up for a traffic school, it's essential to do your research and find a reputable one that meets the requirements set by your local jurisdiction. Here's what to consider:

    • Accreditation: Ensure that the traffic school you choose is accredited and recognized by your state's Department of Motor Vehicles or equivalent agency.
    • Curriculum: The course should cover relevant topics related to safe driving and traffic regulations. Check if it meets the requirements for ticket dismissal and point reduction in your area.
    • Convenience: Consider the format of the course. Some traffic schools offer in-person classes, while others provide online options. Choose the one that best suits your schedule and learning preferences.
  4. 4. Steps to Take After Completing Traffic School

    After successfully completing a traffic school program, here are some important steps to take:

    • Submit Proof: Ensure that you submit proof of your course completion to the relevant authorities, such as the court or DMV, as required by your jurisdiction.
    • Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance provider about your participation in a traffic school program. This may qualify you for a discount or prevent a premium increase.
    • Monitor Your Driving Record: Keep track of your driving record to ensure that any points associated with the speeding ticket have been appropriately reduced or dismissed.


Receiving a speeding ticket can be a costly affair, especially when it comes to auto insurance. However, by attending a reputable traffic school, you can reduce the impact of a speeding ticket on your insurance costs. Remember to choose a qualified school, submit the necessary documentation, and inform your insurance provider to take full advantage of the benefits. Safe driving and informed choices can lead to reduced insurance costs and a more responsible driving record.

Additional Tips for Safe Driving:

While it's crucial to avoid using your cell phone while driving, there are additional tips to ensure safe and responsible driving: